CS50.3 Lecture 2





Uncertainty can be represented as a number of events and the likehood, or probability, of each of them happening.

Unconditional Probability

Unconditional probability is the degree of belief in a proposition in the absence of any other evidence.

Conditional Probability

Conditional probability is the degree of belief in a proposition given some evidence that has already been revealed.

Bayes’ Rule

Joint Probability

Joint probability is the likelihood of multiple events all occurring.

Bayesian Networks

A Bayesian network is a data structure that represents the dependencies among random variables. Bayesian networks have the following properties:

  • They are directed graphs.
  • Each node on the graph represent a random variable.
  • An arrow from X to Y represents that X is a parent of Y. That is, the probability distribution of Y depends on the value of X.
  • Each node X has probability distribution P(X | Parents(X)).




rain probability
none 0.7
light 0.2
heavy 0.1


R \ M yes no
none 0.4 0.6
light 0.2 0.8
heavy 0.1 0.9


R&M \ T on time delayed
none&yes 0.8 0.2
none&no 0.9 0.1
light&yes 0.6 0.4
light&no 0.7 0.3
heavy&yes 0.4 0.6
heavy&no 0.5 0.5


T \ A attend miss
on time 0.9 0.1
delayed 0.6 0.4

现在,我想知道在一个小雨(light rain)的天气下,没有轨道维修(no maintenance),火车(train delayed)延迟了,而我错过约会(miss appointment)的概率。

$P(light, no, delayed, miss) = ?$








Inference has multiple properties.

  • Query X: the variable for which we want to compute the probability distribution.
  • Evidence variables E: one or more variables that have been observed for event e.
  • Hidden variables Y: variables that aren’t the query and also haven’t been observed.
  • The goal: calculate P(X | e).

Inference by Enumeration

Inference by enumeration is a process of finding the probability distribution of variable X given observed evidence e and some hidden variables Y.

$P(X|e)=P(X,e)/P(e)=\alpha * P(X,e) = \alpha \sum_{y}P(X,e,y)$

In this equation, X stand for the query variable, e for the observed evidence, y for all the values of the hidden variables.


我想知道在小雨(light rain)天气和没有轨道维修(no maintenance)的情况,下我准时前往约会的概率分布。

$P(appointment|light, no) = \alpha P(appointment, light, no)$

$P(appointment, light, no) = P(appointment, light, no, delayed) + P(appointment, light, no, on time)$

然而,当网络中的变量节点非常多时,枚举推理(enumeration inference)并不是一种高效的方法。另一种想法是,在牺牲一定准确度的情况下,我们是否可以更加快速地得到一个相对正确的结果。


Sampling is one technique of approximate inference. In sampling, each variable is sampled for a value according to its probability distribution.



rain probability
none 0.7
light 0.2
heavy 0.1


R \ M yes no
none 0.4 0.6

然后根据train在rain为none和maintenance为yes的取值下的条件概率分布,通过相同的方式,获得train的一个样本值,比如on time。

R&M \ T on time delayed
none&yes 0.8 0.2

最后根据appointment在train为on time的取值下的条件概率,通过相同的方式,获得appointment的一个样本值,比如attend。

T \ A attend miss
on time 0.9 0.1

最后,我们得到了一个样本(none, yes, on time, attend)。

通过计算机随机抽样,我们可以快速获得大量样本。大数定律告诉我们,当样本容量足够大时,$f \approx p$。我们可以使用这些样本估算概率分布。


Likelihood Weighting

Likelihood weighting uses the following steps:

  • Start by fixing the values for evidence variables.
  • Sample the non-evidence variables using conditional probabilities in the Bayesian network.
  • Weight each sample by its likelihood: the probability of all the evidence occurring.


在上述sampling的例子中,如果我想知道在火车没有延误(train on time)的情况下appointment的概率分布

Markov Models

So far, we have looked at questions of probability given some information that we observed. In this kind of paradigm, the dimension of time is not represented in any way. However, many tasks do rely on the dimension of time, such as prediction. To represent the variable of time we will create a new variable, X, and change it based on the event of interest, such that Xₜ is the current event, Xₜ₊₁ is the next event, and so on. To be able to predict events in the future, we will use Markov Models.

The Markov Assumption

The Markov assumption is an assumption that the current state depends on only a finite fixed number of previous states.

Markov Chain

A Markov chain is a sequence of random variables where the distribution of each variable follows the Markov assumption. That is, each event in the chain occurs based on the probability of the event before it.

a transition model:



Hidden Markov Models

A hidden Markov model is a type of a Markov model for a system with hidden states that generate some observed event. This means that sometimes, the AI has some measurement of the world but no access to the precise state of the world. In these cases, the state of the world is called the hidden state and whatever data the AI has access to are the observations.


Sensor Markov Assumption

The assumption that the evidence variable depends only on the corresponding state.





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